My Coaching

My main goal is your happiness and professional success! I will help you take your next steps in your career or a new life chapter.

Successful Stories

Take a look at what my clients said about their experience with my coaching and how their lives changed for the better.

Start to Live

I will help you unblock old habits and fears that are limiting you to living a life you never wanted.

Kick Up Your Career 

If your job does not fulfill you anymore, you are not happy and want to get hold of things and get a perspective of what you would like to do in the future, I will help you.

What would you like to improve in your life?

Building wealth and income
Establishing a business, direction of a new career, clarifying the right career
Partnership, dating, keeping harmonious and cheerful relationship, family relationships
At work, in the family, conflict and tough situations, internal and external communication
Among all aspects of life
Confidence and Self-esteem
Confidence and Self-esteem
Live balanced and happy life

Coaching and you

Are you stuck in any of the following situations?

  • In my current work, I miss fulfillment and I often think of changing position or company.

  • I often feel stressed and I am not far from having a burnout

  • There are things I say that I will do, but I never have time

  • I’m not sure what I want in my future, but I want to find out

  • I tolerate a lot of things, even if I disagree

Coaching is right for you as soon as you’re ready to:

  • Make positive changes in your life

  • Create a plan of your goals and what you would like to achieve

  • Consider new opportunities and be willing to work on your development

  • Do things differently and give up on practices that do not work and replace them with something more meaningful

Monika Hansson Tutter

I help people build a healthy self-confidence (to themselves, in a relationships, and at work), find out what they want, overcome fears, blocks and limits that stand in their way. Empower them so that they feel strong themselves, can say no and know what is worth their time and energy, what they can and cannot influence and have control over in their lives.

I’m a professional life and career coach, author, lecturer and a university professor.

2003 UNYP Graduation
2004 – Solvay Business School
2005 – 2010 GE Money Bank
2010 – 2011 Citibank
2010 – nyní Koučink
2010 – ICF
2014 – how to read your boss
2017 – Dog Emotions
2017 – Sociologie

2003 UNYP Graduation

June 2003, I have graduated from the University of New York in Prague with honors having succeeded in Bachelor in Business Administration

2003 UNYP Graduation

2004 – Solvay Business School

In June 2004 I became MBA graduate from Solvay Business School in Brussels, Belgium with a specialization in Finance, Marketing and Strategy

2004 – Solvay Business School

2005 – 2010 GE Money Bank

Má kariéra začala Lesdership programem CLP v GE Money Bank, dnešní Moneta Money Bnk.
V programu jsem získala dostala mezinárodní zkušenosti z oblastí: produktový managament, marketing, vedení lidí, proces management, fúze a akvizice, ve kterých jsem zastávala manažerské a týmové pozice. Své zkušenosti jsem získala v České republice, Británii, Spojených Arabských Emirátech a v Rakousku.
Po dvouletém programu jsem se vrátila do Čech, abych zde pokračovala ve zkušenostech s loajalitním programem kreditních karet. Byla jsem součástí týmu, který na trh přinesl Bene+ program.

2005 – 2010 GE Money Bank

2010 – 2011 Citibank

V kariéře v bankovnictví a v kreditních kartách jsem pokračovala v Citibank Europe, kde jsem měla na starosti karetní portfolio klientů.

2010 – 2011 Citibank

2010 – nyní Koučink

Začátkem roku 2010 jsem se začala dívat kolem sebe, co jsou další možné příležitosti pro můj rozvoj a čím mohu lidem pomoci. To mě přivedlo ke koučinku. V dubnu 2010 jsem absolvovala kurz The Art and Science of Coaching v Los Angeles u mezinárodní firmy Erickson College International. Kurz, stejně jako potom každý absolvent je akreditovaný ICF – mezinárodní koučinkovou federací a splňuje tak všechny etické normy kouče.

2010 – nyní Koučink

2010 – ICF

Členka mezinárodní federace koučů a české federace koučů

2010 – ICF

2014 – how to read your boss

V roce 2014 jsem skrz Future Learn absolvovala kurz How to read your boss na University of Nottingham.

2014 – how to read your boss

2017 – Dog Emotions

V roce 2017 jsem skrz Coursera absolvovala kurz Dog Emotion and Cognition na univerzitě Duke University

2017 – Dog Emotions

2017 – Sociologie

V roce 2017 jsem pokračovala ve studiu – sociologie na Western Sydney University přes Coursera.

2017 – Sociologie

Five Steps to Your Success

Get an appointment

Contact me and our 30 min consultation will show the direction of our cooperation.

Define your goal

We will identify and specify your goal and you will be able to describe exactly what you want to achieve.

Ways to reach your goal

I will guide you through methods ensuring reaching your goal.

Create a plan

I will support you in creating a plan, which will include specific steps.

Give energy and motivation

I give you courage and energy and I keep you focused, motivated and responsible to fulfill your plans.

Special offers

Day with a Coach

Live a life changing experience in one day!

     This is what we will accomplish together in our 9hour day together:

  • You will have a personally tailored targeted life plan
  • We will map out areas, which lie heavy on you
  • We will discuss ways, which help you improve given areas
  • You will get an assessment how you come across, where I will give you suggestions to make you the best possible!
  • You will put to rest negative voices and fears that keep you stuck and doubting yourself

Venue: Pobřežní 46, Prague 8 or outside based on our agreement
Price: 50 000,- CZK includes: refreshments, lunch, materials, additional e-mail consultation

Get rid of my fears, blocks and cut cords with negative people

How many times in your life has your fear been delayed or somehow prevented to reach what you really want to do? Do you know why you behave the way you do, even if it is against your will? Does your inner voice limit what you want to do? Fear, block, limit is one of the biggest obstacles that we most often encounter.

I will help you remove the fear. You will be relieved and afraid that the block will never appear again.

Venue: Pobřežní 46, P8, or by agreement

Price: 6 500 CZK

More about coaching and quick tips in the videos

TEDxUNYP Gateway to imagination

What is my coaching about

Who is my typical client?

My introduction (En subs)

One Minute Tip – How to find out what I want (En subs)

One minute tip – Personal relationships

One minute tip – Personal power and power of thoughts

One minute tip – First Impression

One minute tip – The art to say No

One minute tip – Networking



  • 30 minutes

Coaching Session

3 500
  • 60 minutes

Day with a Coach

50 000
  • 09:30 – 18:30

Get rid of the Fears

6 500
  • 120 minutes

Payments are accepted via card, cash or Benefity Sodexo passes

Conditions for canceling a session or attending a seminar

Cancelation of scheduled sessions or participations at the seminars is free of charge if cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. In the event of extraordinary circumstances, the situation will be solved individually.

Do you want a Successful and a Happy life?

Send me an e-mail and I will contact you

    What my clients say

    At first I wanted to get help with a promotion and get the most of my career that was not the best one. Monika helped me understand my true life values and rediscover my creativity. Throughout our day I started to believe that instead of gaining the most from my unhappy career, I can change the direction and realize my dreams. It was absolutely amazing to work with Monika!


    Working with Monika helped me to focus where I want to go next in life. The package DAY WITH A COACH is perfectly structured and allows achieving goals within the time frame. Monika is engaging and obviously enjoys what she is doing. It was great!


    I felt confused. I didn’t know which direction to take in life. Monika did not give me the correct answers. What she did instead was teaching me to realise where my opportunities are and then focus on those, suited best for me. Thank you.


    The most valuable thing, that Monika gave me is the perspective – a realization that wellbeing comprises simultaneously satisfying a number of needs, and there is really no point over-focusing. Trite of course, and I knew that already, but Monika have really deepened my understanding of this truth. But the best thing of all: the belief that anything is possible. We are limited only by our own minds. Simply fantastic!!
